Paul J. Romero, Jr. for Oregon Senate District 1

Coos County ~ Curry County ~ Douglas County
paul romero with americal flag behind him

Paul J. Romero, Jr. is dedicated to positive change in Senate District 1.
Paul is dedicated to limited government, ensuring personal freedoms
through individual liberties, supporting healthy economic growth
through increased competition in and out of our forests.  He supports
small business, community development and traditional family values.
Paul is a fierce supporter of the 2nd Amendment and he will never
support any tax and spend bill, period.

paul romero with americal flag behind him

Candidate Statement: Our Contract With Oregonians

~Paul J. Romero, Jr.’s candidacy is driven by a commitment to the core values and principles of the people and the Oregon Republican Party as outlined in the Oregon Republican Party 2023 Platform (RESOURCES TAB)~

Upholding the sanctity of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Paul J. Romero, Jr. believes in the fundamental rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence. He advocates for policies that protect the sanctity of life from conception to natural death, ensuring that every individual has the freedom to pursue the American dream without undue government interference. This includes supporting pro-life initiatives, defending the rights to free speech, self-defense, and personal privacy.

statue of liberty with flag behind her

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We kindly request your name, address, phone number, and email. Let us know how you’d like to contribute, share your suggestions, and if you have any preferred locations for signage.

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paul romerom senate district 1 logo

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Calender and Upcoming Events

February 8, 2024
Event Information
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: 2551 4th Street NE, Salem, OR 97301

Oregon Right To Life advocates for the most vulnerable human beings whose right to life is denied or abridged under current law. Protect Innocent Life 9:00 AM – Salem Evangelical Church Education, Equipment, and Encouragement Oregon Right to Life bills Talking points,...

Looking at a candidate through the lens of a Conservative

The conservative cowboy standing in front of bright sun

,Vetting a candidate for a political office, particularly from a conservative perspective, involves assessing their alignment with conservative values, policy positions, and the ability to effectively represent those values. Here’s a guide on how to vet a political candidate from a conservative standpoint. I realize there are many more issues but here are a few to get started in the vetting process.  It doesn’t hurt to view the CPAC Ratings for our Legislators.

CPAC: Know YOUR Representatives

The conservative cowboy standing in front of bright sun

How to Vet a Political Candidate from a Conservative Standpoint

Limited Government:


Definition: Emphasizes a government with constrained powers, advocating for minimal interference in individuals’ lives and the economy.

Assessment: Evaluate the candidate’s positions on reducing government size and bureaucracy, lowering regulatory burdens on businesses, and supporting policies that empower individuals and local communities.

The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. – George Washington

Individual Liberties:


Definition: Prioritizes the protection of individual freedoms, including free speech, religious liberty, and the right to bear arms.

Assessment: Examine the candidate’s record on defending individual liberties, such as their stance on First and Second Amendment rights, privacy issues, and commitment to safeguarding personal freedoms.

The establishment of Civil and Religious Liberty was the Motive which induced me to the Field — the object is attained — and it now remains to be my earnest wish and prayer, that the Citizens of the United States could make a wise and virtuous use of the blessings placed before them. – George Washington

Traditional Family Values:


Definition: Values the importance of traditional family structures and social institutions, often emphasizing the role of family in society.

Assessment: Examine the candidate’s positions on issues related to family values, such as marriage, parenting, and education. Assess their support for policies that strengthen family units.

A nation is made great not by its buildings or its wealth but by the character of its people and the nobility of its ideals. – Benjamin Franklin

Free-Market Capitalism:


Definition: Advocates for a market-driven economic system with minimal government intervention, promoting competition, innovation, and economic growth.

Assessment: Evaluate the candidate’s economic policies, including their support for free-market principles, opposition to excessive regulations, and commitment to fostering entrepreneurship.

A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement. – Thomas Jefferson


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